CSG water management

Coal seam gas (CSG) water contains significant but variable concentrations of salts, which means it has the potential to cause environmental harm if its release is not managed appropriately.

The Queensland Government's Coal Seam Gas Water Management Policy aims to ensure that salt produced through CSG activities does not contaminate the environment. It also encourages the beneficial use of treated CSG water as preferred over other methods of disposal.

Healthy HeadWaters CSG Water Feasibility Study

We have assessed the feasibility of using CSG water to address water sustainability issues in the Queensland section of the Murray-Darling Basin (QMDB).

Under the Healthy HeadWaters CSG Water Feasibility Study, a series of investigations have been completed into the risks of extracting and using CSG water, likely supply and demand, and specific opportunities for using CSG water in the QMDB.

Also consider.