File a Complaint

What You Need to Know Before You File a Complaint

How We Process Your Complaint

When we receive your online complaint, you will be taken to a confirmation screen with your assigned Attorney General file number. The Consumer Protection Division receives thousands of consumer complaints, so it may take a few weeks until your complaint is fully processed.

The Attorney General’s office helps consumers by informally mediating complaints. In many cases, this assistance will help you resolve your problem. However, if our mediation is not successful, the Attorney General cannot act as a private attorney on your behalf.

Our mediation process includes a letter from our Consumer Protection Division to the business or individual identified in your complaint. A copy of your complaint and submitted materials will be included with a request for a response.

We will contact you in writing after we have received a reply. If we do not hear back from the business or individual identified in your complaint within 30 days, we will recontact them regarding your complaint.

In some cases, we may be unable to get any cooperation from the business or individual. If they refuse to respond, we will confirm this to you in writing. You may then want to consider filing suit in Small Claims Court or consulting with a private attorney to review your legal options.