AMCAS® Letter Service for Advisors and Other Letter Authors

American Medical College Application Service® (AMCAS®) accepts letters of evaluation and distributes them to participating medical schools electronically. This service enables letter authors to send all letters to the AMCAS application rather than to each school.

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How does my letter author get his/her letter to the AMCAS application?

Your letter author can forward your letter to the AMCAS application in one of the following ways:

If your institution's premedical advising office provides a letter of evaluation service, you may be able to arrange to have all of your letters transmitted to the AMCAS application through that office. Talk with your advisor to determine which type of system is used at your institution (i.e., Committee Letter, Letter Packet, or Individual Letters).

AMCAS Letter Writer Application

This application enables letter authors to upload PDF versions of letter(s) securely to the AMCAS application. Your letter writer will be required to register as a letter writer and will need your AAMC ID and AMCAS Letter ID in order to upload your letter(s).

Note: There is a new website address for the AMCAS Letter Writer Application. Please update your favorites and bookmarks to use the following NEW link to access the application:


Make certain to add your AAMC ID and AMCAS Letter ID in your Interfolio account if you are an Interfolio user. These IDs must accompany your letter in order for your letter to be matched with your application.

How to use Interfolio:
Enter the letter entry/entries in the AMCAS application before you have them sent via Interfolio.

If submitting an Individual Letter to the AMCAS application, you should:

If submitting a Committee Letter or Letter Packet to the AMCAS application through Interfolio, you should:

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Questions about AMCAS Letters

Which medical schools require letters to be sent through the AMCAS application?

Only a handful of medical schools choose not to participate in AMCAS Letters. If a medical school participates, all letters must be sent to the AMCAS application.

Non-participating Medical Schools:

How long does it take for the AMCAS program to process letters of evaluation?

Letters sent through Interfolio can take up to 3 business days to be marked as received within the AMCAS application. Letters uploaded through the AMCAS Letter Writer Application are immediately marked as received. If your letter writer uploaded a letter through the Letter Writer Application and the status of your letter is still 'Not Received,' advise your letter writer to try again.