10 Free Software & Product Comparison Templates in Excel, Word, & ClickUp

Trust me, I get it! In fact, they’re so hard that there’s a phenomenon called decision fatigue. After making decisions all day, every day, our brains get tired. And as they get tired, it gets harder to keep making good decisions. Ugh, I’m tired just thinking about that. 😴

But with easy-to-understand visuals, like a pros and cons list or a beautiful comparison chart, making decisions gets easier. And these visuals keep our brains accountable: There’s no accidentally picking the wrong thing when you can clearly see which is the right thing.

Using a comparison chart template helps us make better decisions or show potential customers why our product is the best decision. Let’s take a look at the 10 best comparison chart templates for ClickUp, Word, Excel, Google Docs, and Powerpoint.

10 Best Free Product Comparison Chart Templates